Title: "O" Level results.
The beginning of 2009 are the darkest hours of me in 2009. I am nervous, suffer hallucination, emo and afraid that my results will be like a piece of trash. I am afraid that I may not be able to enter Smsa, repeat Form 5? , etc.
In that 3 months holidays, I did nothing but watching TV and lying on bed. GG.
(Skip to the day I know my results)
Omigosh. This is a big day, I keep telling myself to calm down. As you may know we can sms the MOE for our results. My mum can't wait to see it, not me though. The seconds I press the "send" button was like my soul was drain by a vacuum cleaner.(I am dying, and shout noooo~)
I thought the MOE will reply immediately, but they don't. Darn them and the nervous level is going up. I keep the phone for myself. I want to see it myself frist.(Don't want my mum to see it)
After 2 hrs, still no incoming message.(This is getting serious, I am dying). I got an emergency(use your imagination to figure out) and went to the toilet. I keep my phone on the table in my room. When I am done, the moment I open the toilet's door. My mum shout and tell me she got the message. (I almost faint and thinking to use tooth brush to stab myself and die). Try to think of excuses to cool her down. then, she smile at me and say" Goodjod, son". I got 8"0". I am crying and laughing at the same time. LOL. Thanks god, I thought I did badly in the exams but I got a decent results in the end.
Therefore, pray hard and be hardworking for better results.
Got typos. LOL